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24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)
Hypertension doesn’t usually have early warning signs or symptoms until your blood pressure has reached a critical stage. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) requires you to wear a small device that monitors your blood pressure over the course of 24-hours. The device measures and records your blood pressure at regular intervals (typically every 15-30 minutes). A record of your blood pressure over a set period of time provides a more reliable measurement than one-off readings, as well as vital information about your blood pressure and potential hypertension.
Panorama Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
Panorama™ is a non-invasive test performed through a simple blood draw from the mother’s arm. Because of its unique technology, this NIPT test can distinguish between the mother and baby’s DNA and see if there is evidence of genetic conditions that could affect the baby’s health.
$550.00 - $795.00